Dale A. Morgan's Blog

Book Clubs on Zoom, Anyone?
February 2022

Date: 02/03/22

Blog for February, 2022

Finally, January 2022 is behind us. Oh, I know we aren’t supposed to wish time away, but this past month was especially grim. First, the weather -- cold and overcast, with some days having wind chills well below zero. Next being bitten by my sweet cat for no apparent reason, but requiring a trip to Urgent Care and a prescription for antibiotics. This combined with the new variant of Omicron Covid, felt like a continuous loop of Groundhog Day. Then, disheartening news from the remaining Texas relatives and upsetting news from the Ukraine.

However, January did have a silver lining. I was invited to speak to three different groups about String Too Short to Tie. How wonderful it was to have people I did not know tell me they enjoyed my book. Several spoke about their own family struggles over estates and land, and how reading my book helped them put their own problems in perspective.

One of the groups preferred to use Zoom, rather than to gather in person. I was pleasantly surprised to find that this method worked well as long as all are familiar with Zoom. No matter where you live, I can be a virtual guest of your book club.

Think about it!

And enjoy the month of February.
